Everyone wants their community to be a great place to live, work, and play! When we all share a sense of responsibility for enhanced quality of life, every aspect of our community benefits. Financial support from those who value our work inspires and motivates others, while impacting our community and beyond in life-changing, life-saving ways. Organizations, businesses, and individuals who contribute to VRUnm demonstrate a tangible commitment to making a significant difference right here where we live. We are grateful for every gift, and we pledge to be conscientious and discerning in the use of all funds received.
Vulnerable Road Users NM is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.
With the exception of point-of-service fees, all funds received go back into our work!
- Our allies demonstrate particular commitment to VRU's
mission by supporting our work on an annual basis -

Community Partnerships

Individual Friends of VRUnm
Anonymous donors (3)
Alex Applegate
Raul Aun
Kari Bachman
Bamford family
Julie Basile
Longino & Sylvia Bustillos
Judah Cleveland
Jim Firchow
Leslie Gary
Michelle Gose
Dacia Grant
Vivian Hahn
Nyeta Haines
Connie Hemmer
Jean Hufziger
Jazmin Iburra
Thomas and LeeAnn Kay
Amy LeTour
Dawnmarie Martinez
Bill & Marcia Nation
Ndiyilii Graphics
Mary Lou Scheel Naomi Scroggs
Kristy Shine
Ian Sidden
Troop 89(Scott, Ryan, Nathan)
Karen Masterson Warren
Paul Washinsky
Scott White
Donald & Lesa Wilson
Joan & Warren Woodward
Amalia Zeitlin